Sebastian is the first mate on the Kerberos who colludes with Henry to find the boy and escape the simulation.
Finding the Prometheus[]
Sebastian and Wilhelm inform the captain that for the last 20 minutes, they've been receiving a repeated tickertape message, possibly from the Prometheus of it's exact coordinates. And so, the captain issues an order to change course in search of the missing ship. As they near the Prometheus, Sebastian expresses his concerns, suggesting they get back on course and inform the company of their position, but Eyk seeks to investigate, leaving the Sebastian in charge of the ship during his absence.[1]
Colluding with Franz[]
Sebastian alerts the captain that they received a message from the company that simply says "Sink ship." He tried to establish further contact, but they did not respond. They head to the bridge, where Sebastian reveals that all of their compasses are ticking frantically and without direction, leading the captain to ask if anything struck him as odd when the ships were sold a couple of months ago, but Sebastian was just relieved they kept half the crew. Eyk reminds him that they are barely carrying any freight and their cabins aren't fully occupied, meaning that the company is traveling this route without making any profit. And now they want to sink one of their own ships. Eyk can't help but wonder why that is. But Sebastian, as well as the rest of the ship's inhabitants, have questions regarding the boy and why they haven't moved yet.
Sebastian and Franz question why the company would want them to sink the ship, and how they would even go about doing so. They begin to consider their choices after the captain rigs the Prometheus to the Kerberos with plans of returning early to Europe. Franz suggests they sink the ship themselves. Sebastian agrees, but Wilhelm doesn't seem so sure.[2]
Taken prisoner[]
With the captain making poor decision after poor decision, the crewmen begin to plot against him. After he leaves the ship to return to the Prometheus, Sebastian uses the code he received earlier and inputs it into a hidden console. He later gets words from Franz that several of the passengers have inexplicably died. In the captain's absence, Sebastian must take command of the ship. Something killed everyone on the Prometheus, and Franz believes the same is happening to the Kerberos. Perhaps the reason the company wanted them to sink the ship is because they didn't want whatever was on that ship getting off, but Sebastian agrees they should wait on Captain Larsen's command. However, Franz is past waiting. He rallies a crew, gathers the guns, and heads down into the lower class to stage a mutiny and turn the ship back around to America.[3]
As more people begin to drop dead, the armed passengers demand answers, holding Sebastian at gunpoint. In an attempt to save his life, Sebastian reveals to the mutineers that the morning they returned from the Prometheus, they received a message from the ship company telling them to sink the ship. Sebastian suspects that they wanted it sank so no one could get off. He also points out that the deaths didn't start occurring until the boy was brought on board, leading the mutineers to go after the child. With them otherwise distracted, Sebastian informs Franz just how big of a mistake he's made by arming the passengers, comparing it to a powder keg waiting to explode. They have five days until they reach land. Until then, they simply give the mutineers what they want — the boy.[4]
After returning to the bay where they keep the lifeboats to input some kind of message into the hidden console, Sebastian learns from Wilhelm of the latest message from the company telling them to "sink ship." Wilhelm realizes the captain was right and argues in favor of changing course to return to Europe. However, Sebastian pulls out a hand held device and kills Wilhelm.[5]
Working for Henry[]
Sebastian makes his way to the dining room, where he climbs into the cabinet space the boy escaped from and shuts the door behind him, followed by a mysterious glow. He somehow travels to Henry's dark and wasteland-like landscape, surrounded by only black stones and dust. Henry accosts Sebastian of breaking protocol, to which he replies that the situation got out of hand. Nevertheless, they have approximately 48 hours for the transfer. As for the boy, he's still missing. Henry demands that he be found, as they need the pyramid for the success of the project.[6]
Finding the boy[]
Sebastian navigates the uneasy halls of the swaying Kerberos, narrowly avoiding the virus spreading throughout the ship. He makes his way to the infirmary, where he uncovers a hidden device behind a cabinet and uses it to search the ship for the boy. Sebastian has located the boy and the pyramid in Maura's memory using his device in the infirmary, which he also uses to send a message to Henry. Sebastian then climbs down Maura's shaft and into her memory, where he recovers the boy and the pyramid, which he turns over to Henry.[7]
Searching for the key[]
Sebastian informs Henry that Daniel has hacked into the mainframe in an attempt to wake Maura up without delivering them the key, trapping them inside forever. Hoping to stop him, Henry orders Sebastian to find the key, which only Maura knows the location of. So he tracks her and Eyk down to the Mental Hospital, where he explains that the simulation has been corrupted and that it's falling apart. He demands Maura hand over the key, and once she does, he used his shell device to kill Eyk and take Maura to her father. However, they soon realize that Daniel did more than simply corrupt the simulation, he changed the key needed to escape.[8]